Let's achieve the sustainable development

Let's achieve the sustainable development

Discover our sustainable measures and join the challenge of the Sustainable Agenda.

The arrival of December means taking stock of the whole year, thinking about what we have done well and what we should improve, both personally and jointly, as a society.

In the same way, the United Nations Organization (ONU), framework in October 2015, the sustainable development goals that must be achieved by 2030. World leaders have adopted a set of global goals to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

The well-known “2030 Agenda” includes 17 Goals. To achieve these goals, we all have to do our part: governments, the private sector, society and individuals.

Currently, many sites are seeing progress, but usually there is a long way to go. For this reason, this decade will mark a before and after, marked by ambitious actions to meet specific objectives.

What appears in the Sustainable Agenda? In the list there is everything from ending poverty, guaranteeing quality education, affordable and non-polluting energy, action for the climate, taking care of underwater life, responsible production and consumption, gender equality, and a long etcetera. Of all these, we would like to highlight the last point, number 17, which refers to the collaboration of all that is absolutely necessary to achieve them.

At Hammeken Cellars, for years we have been clear that the work of all agents is necessary and for this reason, we take care of caring the planet and the people who inhabit it. "Why we are what we do", and we have already started with good practices.

For example: planting trees in deforested areas of Africa (#1 and #13), where we help families with their food (#2) thanks to our I'm Your Organic Wine family of wines. Also with measures towards our team, with quality working conditions (nº8). Or helping underwater life with our collaboration with plastic change (nº14).

So we focus on the next 2023, with the firm objective of continuing to contribute with our company in the sustainability challenges, reaching the final objective set for 2030.